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About Green Campus Coop's Supply Chain

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In the Fairtrade world, there are two main types of businesses: socially responsible businesses and mission-driven businesses. While socially responsible businesses work hard to fulfill their corporate social responsibility in their operations, mission-driven businesses exist to create social and environmental change. Green Campus Coop, as well as many of its suppliers are examples of mission-driven businesses.

One of our suppliers, Assisi Organics began as a garment business that trained and employed women in India with impaired hearing and speech. This marginalized group would have otherwise been unemployed, which was enough for one of these young women to attempt suicide.

These women, as well as other groups of poor, marginalized women are employed at Assisi Organics today for a total of about 120 workers. Most of them are 18 to 24 years old and not in a position to work before starting with Assisi Organics. At the end of their 4-5 year work period, the workers will be granted a yearly bonus, significant enough in size for them to get set up and settled. While many women would stop working after their 4-5 year period of employment at Assisi Organics, there are an increasing number that opt to stay in the workforce and now have the option to as skilled workers.

In addition to be able to offer these generous bonuses, Assisi Organics uses their after-tax profits to finance other social programs such as old age homes, cancer hospitals, and several schools.

Assisi Organics produces about 9000 pieces per day in all standard forms of apparel, some of which are supplied to Green Campus Coop. Green Campus Coop has been working with Assisi Organics for a number of years to supply 100% organic cotton and Fairtrade products. While Assisi Organics does not have its own design team, it workers with its buyers’ designers, like Tegwen McKenzie from Green Campus Coop to print their designs.

These products then end up in the hands of businesses and individual consumers. This is our supply chain that we are proud to operate under. It’s what makes Green Campus Coop purposeful and unique. We are supplying, not just shirts, but a chance to make a difference in the lives of impoverished, marginalized women in India.

To learn more about our suppliers, visit or

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About GCC

We believe that in order to create a sustainable and equitable economic system for ourselves and future generations, we must create businesses and trading partnerships that are committed to fairness and sustainability in all aspects of their operations.

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